Common Sense Change

Trenton – Republican 22nd District Assembly candidate Martin Marks joined today with Republican Assembly members and candidates and promised to end the runaway tax increases, borrowing and spending, which have been heaped onto taxpayers during the last eight years the Democrats have controlled state government.

“The Democrats have controlled Trenton for the last eight years and have made New Jersey’s costs-of-living unbearable for New Jersey families through endless tax increases, borrowing and runaway spending,” Marks said. “Our tax dollars should be budgeted by elected officials as carefully as a family budgets their own finances.”

“The way our tax dollars have been managed by Trenton during the last eight years is insane at best, if not criminal,” Marks continued. “We are at the breaking point and New Jersey families need things to change now before our state’s inexcusably high unemployment and outward migration get any worse.”

New Jerseyans pay the nation’s highest average property tax bill, which has risen from $4,651 to $7,045 since 2001. The state’s debt has increased $28.2 billion or 174 percent since Democrats have taken control of Trenton. Democrats have created 115 new taxes since June 2002.

The Assembly Republicans Common Sense Plan for an Affordable New Jersey would require voter approval for any increase to sales, income, or gas tax, and a super majority vote of the Legislature for any other tax or fee increase; end one-shot fiscal gimmicks to balance the state’s budget and limit the state’s budget growth to inflation, which would have saved taxpayers $6.5 billion if it were implemented in 2002.

“These are comprehensive reforms to return New Jersey government to the people and make sure that the horrendous results of the last eight years are never repeated,” said Marks. “When I take office as part of a Republican majority, the Assembly will approve these common sense reforms for the sake of struggling taxpayers”.

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